GPC is pre-approved at Dos Pueblos as a Community Service Location. Community Service opportunities are open to all jr. high & high school students.
  • Isla Vista Food Distribution
  • GPC Community Food Drive, 1st and 3rd Wednesday, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. (1 service hour)
  • GPC Youth Garden/Facilities Work Days (2 service hours)
  • Children’s Compassion Camp Youth Counselor
  • Toddler Time Youth Assistant, Thursdays, 9 - 11 a.m (2 service hrs)
  • Preparing Dinner for Transition House (2 service hrs)

God’s word is clear that we are called to care for those who are in need. At GPC, we emphasize this truth in word and in practice. Children and youth love to serve and help others. We hope to provide ongoing opportunities for children, youth, and their families to meet needs at church, in our local community, and worldwide. Scripture teaches us that we are each made in the image of God. We are called to love and value all people, just as God does. Join us for monthly opportunities to care for our neighbors and service to our community. All projects also qualify as community service hours for students at our local high schools.