These guidelines are also available as a downloadable pdf file. Please click here for the file.
Worship in a Season of Pandemic: our plan to return to an outdoor, public worship:
The facility will have been setup, cleaned and sanitized before the start of the service.
- Online worship will continue to be available via YouTube and will be a livestream. The livestream video will be available to watch Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30. For those who choose to attend in-person we have established the following protocols to for the safety of all in attendance.
- Everyone will be screened for temperature and other symptoms before entering the patio. Temperatures will be taken using an infrared, forehead thermometer. Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher or with other symptoms of illness will not be able to enter.
- Face masks are required for all.
- Please maintain distance between families during the worship service. (Six Feet)
- In line with the statewide mandate, we are meeting outdoors on the patio for worship until further notice.
- Restrooms will be sanitized before and after worship services. Please give attention to thorough hand washing after using the restroom. Avoid using if possible.
- There will be no snacks or other food served until further notice. Please plan to bring your own water.
- There will be NO handshaking and/or hugging at this time.
- Please be sure to bring your own Bible. Bulletins will not be available.
- The kitchen, nursery, and other meeting rooms (other than the restrooms) will not be opened for now.
- Use of hand sanitizer is highly encouraged.
- We will not pass offering bags for the time being. Please give via Offering Plates at entrance or utilize our online giving tools.
- When the Lord's Supper is celebrated, extra care will be taken in the preparation of the elements and they will be distributed to families and individuals concurrently.
None of the above guidelines are meant to discourage anyone from coming to worship. In fact, they are in place so that we can return to public morning worship while caring well for one another and wisely responding to public health concerns. On the other hand, though these measures will be in place until further notice, we cannot guarantee the health and safety of anyone who comes to a worship service. As with many parts of life, wisdom and godly decision-making are called for on the part of families and individuals. We trust the Lord to equip us with grace, wisdom, and love as we return to face-to-face communion with the body of Christ.
- Each person, once they leave their car must wear a mask.
- There will be an Usher at each entrance to the Patio. They will be at a table that contains masks, gloves, disinfectant material, and Offering Plates.
- Each person will have their temperature taken and recorded. They will be asked if they have any CONVID-19 symptoms. If they do, they will not be allowed to enter.
- The Usher will direct them to their seat. Only immediate families may sit together. All must maintain safe distancing while on the church campus.
- Restrooms are available but masks must be worn during use of the facilities and hands must be washed before returning. Remember to leave clean for next person.
- Once the service is over Ushers will instruct people to exit, starting at the rear. Persons must wear masks, exercise safe distancing, and return directly to their cars.