​Grace and Peace,
​We ​are now offering our courtyard worship service on the church campus. A maximum of 40 people ​are allowed to gather. We ​livestream the service in order to continue providing virtual worship for anyone who would prefer to worship from home. The livestream service can be viewed while it is taking place or at any later time on the church’s YouTube channel. An internet link is sent each week via e-mail.
In Christ,
Jim Pazan

​​While some restrictions are being lifted in some places and for some people, the ongoing threat of the virus has required a return to church that is measured and mindful of the most vulnerable among us. While some of you may attend public worship ​on Sunday, we know that many will need to continue to worship at home for some time. We give thanks, then, for the promise of our faith, that the Lord God will bless and keep us, the risen Christ is with us, and the Holy Spirit connects us to one another despite our physical distance.

The courtyard worship service ​begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. and attendance ​is limited to 40 people. Tables and chairs will be safely distanced. Many measures are in place to make this as safe as possible. In the wake of this Covid pandemic our GPC Session and Covid Task Force have worked diligently to make faithful and responsible decisions about the church’s worship. We will continue to follow state and local rules, CDC and WHO regulations and guidelines as we navigate public worship from week to week. Please view and follow the GPC Outdoor Gathering Covid Guidelines if you plan to worship in person. Click here for a copy of the guidelines (a pdf file). When you arrive on Sunday morning, a task force member will ask all attendees to verify that they have read and understand the guidelines.

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday, either in person or in spirit. I am confident that God will continue to be at work, guiding us, teaching us and giving us strength in the midst of these unprecedented times.

In Christ,
Jim Pazan