In the “ beginning “ we all knew that our existence depends on our relationship with everything in Nature that sustains us. Everyone on Mother Earth gave thanks and offerings in reciprocity, to help create health, happiness, peace and harmony for Everyone who lives Here with Us. We all come from these "first ceremonies" around the world, these first spiritual connections. Remember?
Our Spiritual Connection to Mother Earth: A Chumash Perspective
12Noon Tuesday, March 8, 2022
A free talk by local Chumash Elder Art cisneros at the Unitarian Society Parish Hall, 1535 Santa Barbara Street in downtown Santa Barbara. Registration is free, but is Limited to 50 people.
Through our Spiritual Formation Ministry team, GPC is affiliated with EcoFaith Santa Barbara, which is a project of the Santa Barbara Interfaith Initiative. GPC Elder Ernie Tamminga is GPC’s delegate to the EcoFaith network. EcoFaith is sponsoring this talk by Local Chumash Elder Art Cisneros.
Registration is required. Admission is free, but donations to Santa Barbara EcoFaith to support these talks are warmly appreciated.
To register, click this button:
The presentation will be ZOOMed, for those unable to attend in person. (The Zoom link will be provided when you register)
About Art Cisneros: "I was born Nov.7, 1945 at St. Francis Hospital, on the ridge connected to the sacred place of my mother’s ancestors, the Chumash. My father was also born here and comes from the indigenous people of Mexico. I was raised in an adobe house built by my mothers father on the site of the Chumash museum now being built in Santa Ynez. After completing a year at Cal Poly SLO in Architecture I worked on a survey crew until I was drafted into the military in 1966. I served 3 years in the Marine Corps, including Vietnam during the 'Tet' of 1968. I was assisted in my recovery from PTSD by my cousin and teacher Tataucho Muhuawit, who introduced me to Grandfather Semu Huaute, Chumash, and Grandfather Wallace Black Elk, Lakota. I was invited to the "Fire and Ice" ceremony in Greenland by Angagac, who traveled the world warning of the consequences of the melting ice. I have participated in the Traditional Gathering of Elders and Youth, sponsored by the American Indian Institute. I am the 'fire keeper' for my family."